June 4, 2013

Advantages of Database Management System

This blog post intends to provide the various advantages of the Database Management System. Depending on what your needs and purpose for reading this post are, different set of advantages will be relevant for you. By searching a lot of articles on Internet, reading the most popular of the DBMS books and by consulting some knowledgeable professionals in this field, majority of the advantages of a Database Management System are listed below-

Control Redundancy

What happens in this case is that we control the redundancy in the data by re-using the data from a single table instead of adding it to every single table where it is required.

Redundancy: Presence of Duplicate data, Storing the same data multiple times.

Consider this example-
In this example, if we need to access the address of a student from the 'Library Account', then we can do so by using the 'Roll_No' and refer to the 'General Information' table. As we can see, in the concept of a Database Management System, we can access all of the student's information from the 'General Information' table by referring the 'Roll_No' of the student inside any of the other tables, hence controlling redundancy.

Authorizing Access

We can enforce security into the Database Management Systems by using passwords. Hence, we can authorize the access of any person to use the database by providing the passwords only to the users meant to use and edit the data. Different privileges can be granted to different users based on the types of actions they need to perform on the database. A particular field of data can be hidden from a particular user. Just like granting access to the database and providing privileges, we can revoke the privileges of a user from the database. So, authorizing the access of a user in a Database Management System is easily possible and modifiable.

Integrity of data

Integrity of data means that there is only valid information stored into the database. In simple words, only the values that are valid for storage in a cell of the database are added.

Cell: Intersection of the vertical and horizontal columns in a database, where a value is stored.

Consider the table given above, in the 'Roll_No' field of a database, a user must only be able to add integer values as well as he or she must add the accurate length of the roll number. As this integrity check is easily achievable in the concept of a Database Management System, integrity of data can be maintained in DBMS.

Consistency of data

The advantage of providing the Consistency in the data by the Database Management Systems is related to providing the Redundancy Control in data. How? As we have all the information of the student available only at a single place, we edit and change it only in one place. So, there is no chance of same field, say address of the student containing different values inside different tables in the database.

Concurrency Control

A Database Management System provides with methods to access data for multiple users. A Database management System allows multiple users to work on same data and make changes to the same data. Database Management Systems provides with Concurrency Control Techniques so that the final result produced by the multiple users accessing and updating same information is correct.

Concurrency: Several processes occurring together or concurrently where updating one process modifies another.

Data Modelling

Data Models for a Database Management System can be easily developed. These Data Models are represented with the help of Entities, Attributes and Relationships using Entity-Relationship diagrams.

Entity: Any object, a Human, a car, an Organisation is counted as an Entity. An Entity is represented using a square shape in a Data Model.

Attribute: The properties of an Entity are called as Attributes. For example, roll number, address and registration number are all attributes of the 'Student' Entity. An attribute is represented with an oval shape in the Data Model.

Relationship: The relation between two entities is called as Relationship. A Relationship is represented with the help of a rhombus shape in a relational or Data Model.

Backup and Recovery

Regular Backups can be kept in the Database Management Systems so that in case of storage faults or data being deleted intentionally or unintentionally, it can be revert back to a stable state. Database can recover from the failures occurring during Transaction processing. A Database can recover back with the help of Backup and Recovery options in case of any Software of Hardware errors.

Object Oriented Databases

With the help of the storage of the Objects and Data Structures provided by Database Management Systems, Object Oriented Databases can be developed.

That ends the basic list of the advantages provided by the Database Management Systems. The books i used for reference to write this article are listed below. I recommend choosing one of these books to continue your process of learning about the Database Management Systems.

Reference Books available on Amazon:
Database Management Systems - Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke
Fundamentals of Database Systems - Elmasri - Navathe
Database System Concepts by Korth


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